Eight Students Receive Dana Winkler Scholarships
WICHITA, Kan. – June 10, 2024 -- Eight students have been awarded $16,000 in scholarships by Wichita Federal Credit Union (WFCU). Each recipient received $2,000 to apply toward their post-secondary education tuition costs for the upcoming fall semester. This year, the scholarship award has been increased from $1,000 to $2,000.
Since 2004, WFCU has awarded scholarships to encourage credit union members to pursue higher education. A total of 167 students have received over $159,000 in scholarship funds during this time. Candidates are credit union members selected by the scholarship committee based on their grade point averages, extracurricular activities, community service, career goals, and a written essay.
Congratulations to the 2024 recipients of the Dana Winkler Scholarship!
The 2024 Recipients are:
Brett Anderson - Son of Charles and Schanee Anderson
Sydney Crees - Daughter of Jeff Crees and Laurie Gonsalves
Zoe Deutscher - Daughter of Darrin and Deanna Deutscher
Britney Gowan - Daughter of Melinda Johnson
Sara Hershberger - Daughter of Dan and Staci Hershberger
Abigail McCown – Daughter of Matthew and Susan McCown
Morgan O'Brien - Daughter of Kelly and Debbie O’Brien
Samantha Silva- Daughter of Frank Silva and Jade Bach-Silva
For 2025 application information, please visit wichitafcu.com > Services > Dana Winkler Scholarship.
Media Contact: Heather Rice - 316.941.0621 - hrice@wichitafcu.com
In light of recent financial news, we want to take the opportunity to remind our members that your deposits are secure and your credit union is financially sound. Our top priorities are our members and protecting your finances. Rest easy knowing your money is safe at Wichita Federal Credit Union (WFCU). All member accounts are federally insured by the National Credit Union Association (NCUA) up to $250,000. Credit union members have never lost a penny of insured savings at a federally insured credit union. Credit unions like WFCU are heavily regulated and must comply with strict soundness standards.As a not-for-profit financial cooperative, WFCU is consistently within compliance, and we take the responsibility of protecting your finances very seriously. WFCU is financially sound and has a history of protecting our members' deposits. We’ve been serving members in our community for over 80 years, and our volunteer Board of Directors and Executive Team put our credit union's safety and soundness above all else. You can find the Annual Report by clicking on the button below for quick access. Visit MyCreditUnion.gov for more information on National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund coverage.ANNUAL REPORT |
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